Monday, March 29, 2010

Fulltone Full-Drive 2 Review

Let's review one of the greatest sounding overdrive pedals around, the Fulltone Full-Drive 2.  You can pick up the standard version of the Full-Drive 2 which is great for that chunky overdriven sound or for adding a beautiful, warm color to your amps distortion.  If I had to rate this on a scale of 1 - 10, it would get a 9 easily.  It is hard to review pedals, especially overdrive pedals, because sound is subjective and everyone has their own opinion of what "good" sounds like.  I will give you my take on this  overdrive pedal and hopefully you will agree with my opinion.  If you do, feel free to chime in and add information to the comments section - and if you disagree, please feel free to let me know why.  

The Fulltone Full-Drive 2 pedal is easy to use, consisting of volume, tone, overdrive, and boost knobs - all right on the front of the pedal. The volume knob is a “set and forget” knob that simply matches the effect volume to your guitar’s pickup volume. The tone knob, like the tone knob on most effects pedals, cuts or boosts the treble in your signal, and the overdrive knob dials in the amount of overdrive that will be applied to the guitar sound.  Like most overdrive and distortion pedals, this one is very easy to use and simple to dial in great tone.  Be sure to play around with the tone and the overdrive knobs - you can greatly change the sound by a simple twist of a knob.  The feature I really love is the boost knob which has a separate foot switch to activate it.  This boost really helps make sure your solos are heard loud and clear.

The FullDrive 2 is one of the best overdrives out there today for the price. If you are looking for a ballsy, tube-like sound then this is the pedal for you. This pedal can give you a crunchy, chunk overdrive that is great for rhythms or you can dial in a smooth, creamy tone for a nice bluesy solo. This pedal is especially good if you combine it with your amps distortion.  I personally like to use this pedal as something a little extra when I play my solos.  It gives me a little extra gain and sustain.  Remember, it has a built in boost switch that helps put your solos out front.

This Fulltone pedal is built like a tank. I would have no problem with dropping mind from a high place on a concrete floor. You can either power it by a 9-volt adapter or your classic 9-volt battery. I would recommend using always the power adapter for any pedal!

I think that this is a great pedal for anyone on its own or if you are looking for more out of your amps distortion. You can get a great warm tone out of this pedal - if you dial it in correctly.  You can get a very nice crunch sound of this pedal.  Also, you can get a nice sustain if you add this pedal on top of your amps distortion.  The boost feature is really the perfect touch for this pedal and I would recommend this pedal to any guitarist. For the money, and even just in general, the Full Drive 2 is an excellent pedal.   I hope that you found this Fulltone Full-Drive 2 review helpful - Rock on!

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